Why Sandborn?

We service all types of floating roofs and seal systems.

When it comes to maintaining and servicing your floating roof, floating roof seals and floating roof components, look no further than Sandborn Roofs & Seals. We possess a wealth of knowledge and experience retrofitting all types of floating roofs and seal systems.
Sandborn Roofs & Seals Logo
From a steel pan deck, steel pontoon deck, steel double deck to all types of internal aluminum, hybrid and full contact IFRs, we have the knowledge, expertise and experience to safely and successfully complete the task.

Locally managed & operated

Available 24/7

customer service

Regulatory Compliant

Fostering safe tank operations

Protecting your investment

Image of in-service inspection for Sandborn's IFR System, with technicians checking and maintaining components for proper operation and safety

In-Service Inspections

Sandborn has the knowledge and ability to complete all types of ‘in service’ tank entries and floating roof inspections.
No need for costly draining and cleaning when Sandborn has the tools, equipment and knowledge necessary to complete the task with the tank remaining in service.
Sandborn has developed safe work procedures recognized as the industry standard for safe ‘in service’ tank entry. Be it an open top tank, cone roof tank or geodesic dome roof tank, we have the expertise to complete the entry and inspections safely!
Image of in-service replacements for Sandborn's IFR system, showing technicians replacing worn components to ensure continued performance and safety

In-Service Replacements

A damaged seal can lead to costly tank cleaning, downtime and lost revenue. Sandborn can help.
We’ve developed a seal system and the necessary safe work procedures to enable seal replacement with the tank remaining in service.
Sandborn has completed numerous ‘in service’ seal replacements in tanks ranging from 30 to 270 ft. in diameter. We have the expertise and ability to get the job done safely.
Image of Seal Repair on Sandborn's IFR System, showing technicians fixing or replacing seals to maintain effective vapor containment and system integrity

Seal Repair

No seal repair is too big or too small for Sandborn to handle.
Whether it’s a simple fix, partial replacement or a complete redesign and upgrade, we have the personnel and expertise to handle the job. Our design and drafting department excels in quick turnaround of seal design. Our inspectors and installation crews have a wealth of experience in retrofitting and repairing ALL types of floating roof seal systems.
Whether it’s a foam log seal, shoe seal, shoe with secondary or wiper seals, we have the ability to quickly assess the problem and arrive at a cost effective solution.
Image of engineering, design, and drafting for Sandborn's IFR system, showing detailed plans and technical drawings being developed for custom installations

Engineering Design and Drafting

We take our work seriously at Sandborn Roofs and Seals. We have a professional design and drafting department capable of meeting the toughest redesign tasks.
Not only do we design our own seal systems, we complete ‘in house’ testing of all seal assemblies prior to installation in the field. You can be assured that not only do our seal designs meet regulatory standards, but they’re also fully tested to each individual tank’s condition. Expect the highest standards from our design team!